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01.12.2019: NEW VERSION: basICColor input 6 (Pro) – Catalina-ready!

Your LinkCamera profiling with basICColor input stands for a perfect reproduction of colors from scanners and digital cameras. It is being used successfully by museums and archives, for product shots and by many photographers worldwide.

But monochrome imaging gains great popularity. There are specialized monochrome cameras in the market, but also in scanning, grayscale is an issue. The latest version of basICColor input allows to create grayscale profiles either from RGB or monochrome targets. Grayscale profiles from RGB images make for the easiest and most accurate way of converting RGB to gray.

If the shot is monochrome already, basICColor input will make a grayscale profile automatically, even if the target reference data are in color.

basICColor input is ready for macOS Catalina – it is 64bit!


The other benefits of basICColor input remain intact:

  • DCP – Digital Camera Profiles for the Adobe® Raw Workflow and for basICColor cockpit
  • ICC profiles for JPEG and TIFF for cameras and scanners
  • ICC profiles directly from Raw specially for Capture One – in one and the same software!
  • MultiTarget profiling – optimal gray balance e.g. with the an additional Munsell Linear Grayscale
  • Spectral computation of illumination spectra – reduces metamerism errors
  • Support for all camera and scanner targets
  • Quality control after profiling, e.g. for Metamorfoze


All licensed users of basICColor input 5 can upgrade to basICColor input 6 or basICColor input 6 Pro and benefit from the latest improvements. Support for the old basICColor input 3.x has been terminated – no more "hardware replacement" unlocks, no more upgrades to basICColor display 6.

Order now by sending an email to: sales@basiccolor.de, secure your upgrade and benefit from the latest technology today! For EU customers: Don´t forget to specify your VAT-ID.

More information from info@basiccolor.de or phone +49 172 8195356.


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